The tween years can be good, crazy, emotional, hard, and Oh so very precious. Way too often these are the years that aren't documented. Our children are out of the cute baby, toddler, preschool, young elementary school stage and some how in the whirl wind of this thing called life, we forget to capture who are tweens are and who they are becoming.
It is so important to take the time to photograph these days of in between. We don't really want to forget who our children were and the story of each stage of their lives.
I take photos of my daughter daily so that I can remember who she was at 11. Sometimes they are just everyday photos of her riding her bike or playing with her dolls. Other days it is a more like the photos below.
I love this set of photos, because she was pretty disgusted. Her dress was too short and it was frustrating her immensely. She was immediately launched into a MOOD. And that is so common these days. These are days of frustration and extreme emotions, but I don't want to forget them. I want to remember that we made it through, we persevered and we learned.