Saturday, March 5, 2016

March 5-on-5

One of my goals this year is to document more moments with my boys. It would be easier if they were still preschool age, but alas that time is gone and so I must move on, too.

Jacob loves to hunt. Every season is a playground for him as he talks about what he is planning on doing in the great outdoors.  The other day it was rabbit hunting.  My mom had mentioned to him that if he got out to do some rabbit hunting she would like one.

Not only did he get her three rabbits, but he cleaned and bagged them up, then bleached down my kitchen sink. This boy has grown up into an amazing young man!

Continue on this blog circle and hop on over to the amazing Eboni's website for some wonderful story-telling photos.


  1. I am swooning over how vibrant these images are! The colors just pop against the pure white backdrop of snow. WOW just wow. I love these images and the story behind it. I feel bad for the rabbits but so glad you've captured this of your son. Great job Jenny.

  2. Proud moments, for both you and him. Beautiful images and wonderful documenting! Looking forward to being inspired by more pictures of your boys!!

  3. I LOVE these so much, Jenny! Seriously gorgeous! And the fact that he cleaned up after himself is a bonus!

  4. These are great images of your son engaged in doing something he loves! Well done!


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