Saturday, December 5, 2015

December 5 on 5


This one ranks right up there with first steps, the first belly laugh, his first words, and his first day of school. Then before you know it he's learning to shave.  Another first, but one that leads from boyhood to manhood.

We all crowded just outside the door watching the grand unfolding before us.  At first he didn't want me taking photos, but he relented when I said I wouldn't put them on Facebook.  I snapped away and laughed as my husband bantered back and forth with him.

I never imagined that what I got in camera would blow me away when I first saw it come up on my computer screen.

This moment makes the writer in me go speechless.

Words flee and emotion wells.

This is life lived to its fullest.

For more documentary goodness visit... Danielle whose photos are full of life and emotion!

For all my documentary friends on FB who have already seen this... sorry for the repeat.  I had to blog this.  I went back and forth several times and even started over with other photos of our tree decorating, but in the end I knew this was the set of 5 I wanted for this month.


  1. I love this one! I might be biased because I have three boys (and I have only sisters) so this will be exciting when my sons are old enough for this! Love the one of dad helping at the end. :)

  2. I love that you documented this, especially as a mom of a tween that isn't too far off. This is a great memory for your family to look back on! Wonderful work.

  3. These are amazing! So much emotion radiating off and these are likely going to become some of your son's favorite photos when he is older. I love that he let you document this -- thank you for sharing!

  4. I love everything about these images. I'm so glad you were able to capture such a monumental milestone in your son's life. Before you know it he will be teaching the same skills to his son… Cherish every moment you have with him. :)

  5. I love seeing your stories each month. Its documenting moments like these that most people don't think to do and you did it beautifully.

  6. Super awesome, yet a sad time watching our babies grow. Great job documenting these, he will really appreciate this showing it to his kids.


All images © Sycamore Lane Photography. All rights reserved.

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