Thursday, November 5, 2015

November 5 on 5

Harvest season is now over, but for the month of October my children were out in the fields every time they could.  They love helping their grandpa and their dad.
I struggled to pick out only 5 photos, because their were so many that tell the story of harvesting, but here are my 5 for this month. Telling a bit about our little farm.

 Find a soybean pick it up and put it in your pocket....

 The love is real between my oldest and my youngest.  I love moments like these when I can capture her just soaking up his hugs.  She misses him so much now that he doesn't live at home. Every opportunity she gets she wants to be held by him.

For more documentary goodness head over to Julia's web site.  She is an amazing photographer who captures the beauty of the moment.


  1. Beautiful! I got a little misty when I saw the image of your oldest holding your youngest <3 - Julia

  2. OH, such sweet memories. My heart ached with that picture of the older and younger, as my children will experience this same separation and I know it will be challenging on them. What a blessing they have to have you documenting and telling their story.

  3. I think I want to come and visit your farm, its so beautiful! And the image of your oldest and youngest, heart melt!

  4. That last image is beautiful! And I love the shot of your oldest and youngest. A sibling bond is so special - I love it!

  5. I love these! The last one is my favorite.

  6. Oh, I love them all! But the one of I holding L steals my heart!

  7. Hey there sweet lady! I posted a comment before but I didn't know if it showed up. Anyways, I have missed your blog. I started back blogging. I took a long while away!! Amazing photos, love how your blog always tells such a story about your heart.


All images © Sycamore Lane Photography. All rights reserved.

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